DGL International Express Logistics

TELEFONNUMMER : +49 69 90020820
+49 69 90020821
E-Mail-Adresse : info-fra@dgl-cargo.com
BÜROZEITEN :Montag - Freitag 08:00 - 18:00
["XS",26], 5=>["S",36], 10=>["M",53], 20=>["L",80], 30=>["XL",105], 40=>["XXL",135], ]; $type_prices = [ 15,//Eco 26,//Premium 38,//Express 7,//Documents ]; //////////////CALCULATION//////////////// $output_total = 0;//Total price and table will not be shown on first visit if(//check if variables are set, to avoid the calculation on first visit isset($_POST['country_origin']) &&isset($_POST['country_destination']) &&isset($_POST['weight']) &&isset($_POST['length']) &&isset($_POST['width']) &&isset($_POST['height'])) { if(//only calculate if all necassary fields were filled with an option empty($_POST['country_origin']) ||empty($_POST['country_destination']) ||empty($_POST['length']) ||empty($_POST['width']) ||empty($_POST['height']) ||empty($_POST['weight'])) { $error_message = 'Please select an option in every field!'; } else{//origin to calculate after all data is availible $output_total = 1; //save inserted data in more readeable variables $country_origin = $_POST['country_origin']; $country_destination = $_POST['country_destination']; $weight = $_POST['weight']; $length = $_POST['length']; $size = ($_POST['length'] * $_POST['width'] * $_POST['height']/6000); $type = $_POST['type']; //define the price for a route depending on the origin and destination country switch($country_origin){ case 1: switch($country_destination){ case 1:$country_price=1.5;break; case 2:$country_price=2;break; case 3:$country_price=2;break; }break; case 2: switch($country_destination){ case 1:$country_price=2.5;break; case 2:$country_price=4;break; case 3:$country_price=2;break; }break; case 3: switch($country_destination){ case 1:$country_price=4.5;break; case 2:$country_price=5;break; case 3:$country_price=3;break; }break; } //define the price for the weight depending on the selected value foreach ($categories as $i => $value) { if($weight<=$i){ $weight_category = $i; break; }else{ $weight_category = max(array_keys($categories)); } } $weight_price = $categories[$weight_category][1]; $weight_name = $categories[$weight_category][0]; //define the price for the size depending on the selected value foreach ($categories as $i => $value) { if($size<=$i){ $size_category = $i; break; }else{ $size_category = max(array_keys($categories)); } } $size_price = $categories[$size_category][1]; $size_name = $categories[$size_category][0]; if($size_price>=$weight_price){$size_weight_price=$size_price;$size_weight_name=$size_name;}else{$size_weight_price=$weight_price;$size_weight_name=$weight_name;} //Set the price of selected delivery-type $type_price = $type_prices[$type]; } } ?>
From: To:


Length: Width: Height: '.$size_name.'-Package';} ?>


'; echo ''; echo '
Option'.$country_origin.''.$country_destination.''.$weight_name.'('.$weight.')'.$size_name.'('. round($size,2).')'.$type.'
Price'.$country_price.'€'. $size_weight_price.'€ ('.$size_weight_name.')'.$type_price.'€
'; //calculation of the main price (add every single values) $total = $country_price + $size_weight_price + $type_price; if($size>max(array_keys($categories))){ echo '
The size of the package is to big! Please adjust the size to maximal XXL'; } else{ echo '
Total: '. $total .'€'; } } ?>